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Spread and join list of lists of unequal sizes with dplyr

I am interested in doing a fairly complicated join and I have not been able to find the answer. Here is an example dataset:

dat2 <- data.frame(age = c(2,2), id = c("T1", "T2"), Height = c(1.1,1.2), Number = c(1,1), node_age = c(0, 0))
dat3 <- data.frame(age = c(3,3,3,3), id = c("T1", "T1", "T2", "T2"), Height = c(1.1,2.2, 1.2, 2.3), Number = c(1,2,1,2), node_age = c(1,0,1,0))
dat4 <- data.frame(age = c(4,4,4,4,4,4), id = c("T1", "T1", "T1", "T2", "T2", "T2"), Height = c(1.1,2.2,3.3,1.2, 2.3,3.4 ), Number = c(1,2,3,1,2,3), node_age = c(2,1,0,2,1,0))
dat_list <- list(dat2, dat3, dat4)

I would like to take this list and join everything together, so that the outcome would look something like this:

  id Height Number_2 node_age_2 Number_3 node_age_3 Number_4 node_age_4
1 T1    1.1        1          0        1          1        1          2
2 T1    2.2       NA         NA        2          0        2          1
3 T1    3.3       NA         NA       NA         NA        3          0

  id Height Number_2 node_age_2 Number_3 node_age_3 Number_4 node_age_4
4 T2    1.2        1          0        1          1        1          2
5 T2    2.3       NA         NA        2          0        2          1
6 T2    3.4       NA         NA       NA         NA        3          0

Where the output is a list of lists by id and "Number" and "node_age" are repeated as functions of "age".

I have made some progress with gather, unite and spread. But I feel that it is inefficient to bind_rows of the list, then spread, then combine back into the list. Maybe I am wrong here?

My true data is a large list (115 elements). When I bind_rows of my list, I end up with 233561 observations. So I have many id's and node_age goes until 115, which is why I am aiming for list structures.

Thanks in advance.


  • We could bind the rows, then split by 'id' and dcast to 'wide' format

    dat_list %>%
       bind_rows %>% 
       split(.$id) %>% 
       map(~  dcast(, id + Height ~ age, 
                  value.var = c( 'Number', 'node_age')))
    #   id Height Number_2 Number_3 Number_4 node_age_2 node_age_3 node_age_4
    #1: T1    1.1        1        1        1          0          1          2
    #2: T1    2.2       NA        2        2         NA          0          1
    #3: T1    3.3       NA       NA        3         NA         NA          0
    #   id Height Number_2 Number_3 Number_4 node_age_2 node_age_3 node_age_4
    #1: T2    1.2        1        1        1          0          1          2
    #2: T2    2.3       NA        2        2         NA          0          1
    #3: T2    3.4       NA       NA        3         NA         NA          0

    Or we use gather/spread instead of dcast

    dat_list %>% 
       bind_rows %>%
       split(.$id) %>%
       map(~ .x  %>% 
                gather(key, val, Number:node_age) %>%
                unite(keyage, key, age) %>%
                spread(keyage, val))
    #  id Height node_age_2 node_age_3 node_age_4 Number_2 Number_3 Number_4
    #1 T1    1.1          0          1          2        1        1        1
    #2 T1    2.2         NA          0          1       NA        2        2
    #3 T1    3.3         NA         NA          0       NA       NA        3
    #  id Height node_age_2 node_age_3 node_age_4 Number_2 Number_3 Number_4
    #1 T2    1.2          0          1          2        1        1        1
    #2 T2    2.3         NA          0          1       NA        2        2
    #3 T2    3.4         NA         NA          0       NA       NA        3

    If we need the columns in a particular order, create the 'key' as a factor columns with levels specified in that order to change the order in spread

    dat_list %>% 
        bind_rows %>%
        split(.$id) %>%
        map(~ .x  %>% 
                 gather(key, val, Number:node_age) %>%
                 group_by(key) %>%
                 mutate(rn = row_number())  %>%
                 ungroup %>% 
                 arrange(rn) %>%
                 unite(keyage, key, age) %>%
                 mutate(keyage = factor(keyage, levels = unique(keyage))) %>% 
                 select(-rn) %>%
                 spread(keyage, val))
    # A tibble: 3 x 8
    #  id    Height Number_2 node_age_2 Number_3 node_age_3 Number_4 node_age_4
    #  <fct>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
    #1 T1       1.1        1          0        1          1        1          2
    #2 T1       2.2       NA         NA        2          0        2          1
    #3 T1       3.3       NA         NA       NA         NA        3          0
    # A tibble: 3 x 8
    #  id    Height Number_2 node_age_2 Number_3 node_age_3 Number_4 node_age_4
    #  <fct>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
    #1 T2       1.2        1          0        1          1        1          2
    #2 T2       2.3       NA         NA        2          0        2          1
    #3 T2       3.4       NA         NA       NA         NA        3          0