I am fitting my data to the lognormal, and I do the KS test in Python and R and I get very different results.
The data are:
341 291 283 155 271 270 250 272 209 236 295 214 443 632 310 334 376 305 216 339
In R the code is:
fit = fitdistr(series, "lognormal")$estimate
ks.test(series, "plnorm", meanlog=fit[1], sdlog=fit[2], exact=TRUE)
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: series
D = 0.13421, p-value = 0.8181
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
In Python the code is:
distribution = stats.lognorm
args = distribution.fit(series)
(4.2221814852591635, 154.99999999212395, 0.45374242945626875)
stats.kstest(series, distribution.cdf, args, alternative = 'two-sided')
KstestResult(statistic=0.8211678552361514, pvalue=2.6645352591003757e-15)
The SciPy implementation of the log-normal distribution is not parameterized in the same way as it is in the R code. Search for [scipy] lognorm
here on stackoverflow for many similar questions, and see the note about the parameterization in the lognorm
docstring. Also note that to match the R result, the location parameter loc
must be fixed at the value 0 using the argument floc=0
. The R implementation does not include a location parameter.
Here's a script that shows how to get the same values that are reported by R:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import lognorm, kstest
x = [341, 291, 283, 155, 271, 270, 250, 272, 209, 236,
295, 214, 443, 632, 310, 334, 376, 305, 216, 339]
sigma, loc, scale = lognorm.fit(x, floc=0)
mu = np.log(scale)
print("mu = %9.5f" % mu)
print("sigma = %9.5f" % sigma)
stat, p = kstest(x, 'lognorm', args=(sigma, 0, scale), alternative='two-sided')
print("KS Test:")
print("stat = %9.5f" % stat)
print("p-value = %9.5f" % p)
mu = 5.66612
sigma = 0.29062
KS Test:
stat = 0.13421
p-value = 0.86403
The kstest
function in SciPy does not have an option to compute the exact p-value. To compare its value to R, you can use exact=FALSE
in fitdistr
> ks.test(series, "plnorm", meanlog=fit[1], sdlog=fit[2], exact=FALSE)
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: series
D = 0.1342, p-value = 0.864
alternative hypothesis: two-sided