I am working with the EurekaLog bug catcher for Delphi/C++Builder. All of their examples are in Delphi and I am using C++Builder. The Delphi code below is one of their examples that causes a software exception. I tried to convert this into C++ below but my code is wrong. Can you show me the correct C++ Code to make this work.
Delphi code from EurekaLog
EMyException = class(Exception);
Procedure TForm. ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
raise EMyException.Create('Error Message');
My C++Builder code that does not work
typedef class{
void __fastcall TForm1::ButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
throw new EMyException("Error Message");
You need to derive a new class, not use a typedef. And don't use new
when calling throw
(this is the only area in C++Builder where a TObject
descendant must not be constructed with new
class EMyException : public Exception
__fastcall EMyException(const String Msg) : Exception(Msg) {}
void __fastcall TForm::ButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
throw EMyException("Error Message");