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what add marker to map openlayer 5 with angular 6

I'm using the OpenLayers 5 for my project in angular 6. I implemented it to show a map and it is working :-). But I can't make it show any markers, please help me!!! Show examples with this version OpenLayers...

import OlMap from 'ol/Map';
import OlXYZ from 'ol/source/XYZ';
import OlTileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import OlView from 'ol/View';
import Feature from 'ol/Feature';
import Point from 'ol/geom/Point';

import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj';

export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
    map: OlMap;
    source: OlXYZ;
    layer: OlTileLayer;
    view: OlView;
    marker: Feature;

ngOnInit() {
    this.marker = new Feature({
        geometry: new Point([27.46164, 53.902257])

    this.source = new OlXYZ({
        url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        features: [this.marker]

    this.layer = new OlTileLayer({
        source: this.source

    this.view = new OlView({
        center: fromLonLat([27.56164, 53.902257]),
        zoom: 14
    }); = new OlMap({
        target: 'map',
        layers: [this.layer],
        view: this.view



  • You need a vector layer and a vector source to add features. Something like the following:

    import Map from 'ol/Map';
    import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';
    import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
    import View from 'ol/View';
    import Feature from 'ol/Feature';
    import Point from 'ol/geom/Point';
    import XyzSource from 'ol/source/XYZ';
    import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
    import { fromLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
    export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
      map: Map;
      vectorSource: VectorSource;
      vectorLayer: VectorLayer;
      xyzSource: XyzSource;
      tileLayer: TileLayer;
      view: View;
      marker: Feature;
      ngOnInit() {
        // Feature and vector
        this.marker = new Feature({
          geometry: new Point(fromLonLat([27.46164, 53.902257]))
        this.vectorSource = new VectorSource({
          features: [this.marker]
        this.vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
          source: this.vectorSource
        // XYZ
        this.xyzSource = new XyzSource({
          url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
        this.tileLayer = new TileLayer({
          source: this.xyzSource
        // View and map
        this.view = new View({
          center: fromLonLat([27.56164, 53.902257]),
          zoom: 14
        = new Map({
          target: 'map',
          layers: [this.tileLayer, this.vectorLayer],
          view: this.view