I want to match the terms "TextCtrls" and "LabelCtrls". When I find "TextCtrls" I want to replace with "Txt" and when I find "LabelControls" I want to replace with "Lbl". Online Demo
Is this possible with DTE.Find.ReplaceWith?
DTE.Find.FindWhat = "Container\(""\w+""\)\.(?:TextCtrls|LabelCtrls)\(""(?<ControlName>\w+)""\).Text"
DTE.Find.ReplaceWith = "<psydocode:Txt|Lbl>${ControlName}.Text"
Since the text you want to replace with actually is present in the source text, you may (ab)?use the capturing groups here the following way:
DTE.Find.FindWhat = "Container\(""\w+""\)\.(?:(?<f>T)e(?<s>xt)Ctrls|(?<f>L)a(?<s>b)e(?<t>l)Ctrls)\(""(?<ControlName>\w+)""\).Text"
DTE.Find.ReplaceWith = "${f}${s}${t}NameOfControl.Text"
See the .NET regex demo
Groups f
, s
and t
are filled with the necessary bits of text and only have text if the corresponding alternatives match.
for custom replacement logicYou may use MatchEvaluator
to check what group matched or what group value is and then implement your own replacement logic:
Dim s As String = "Container(""Name1"").TextCtrls(""Name2"").Text" & vbCrLf & "Container(""Name1"").LabelCtrls(""Name2"").Text"
Dim pattern As String = "Container\(""\w+""\)\.(?<test>TextCtrls|LabelCtrls)\(""(?<ControlName>\w+)""\).Text"
Dim result = Regex.Replace(s, pattern, New MatchEvaluator(Function(m As Match)
If m.Groups("test").Value = "TextCtrls" Then
Return "TxtNameOfControl.Text"
Return "LblNameOfControl.Text"
End If
End Function))