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How to make user object available across pages in CodeIgniter?

I'm fairly new to CodeIgniter and I'm using Ion Auth for user authorization. With the Ion Auth library, you get a user object like:

  $user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
  echo $user->email;

If a user is logged in, I want the $user object to be available on any of the pages (in any of the controllers). How can I do this? (I'm using CodeIgniter 2)


  • This blog post of mine goes into a lot of detail in specifically using Ion_Auth to allow your entire application (including views) to access your current user's information.

    The short version... (specifically for the topic at hand)

    Adding this to your MY_Controller.php file

    class User_Controller extends CI_Controller {
        protected $the_user;
        public function __construct() {
            if($this->ion_auth->logged_in()) {
                $data->the_user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
                $this->the_user = $data->the_user;
            else {

    Then in your application just create your controller like this

    class App_Controller extends User_Controller {
        public function __construct() {
        function index() {
            //do stuff

    Then not only in your controller will you have access to $this->the_user but you will also have $the_user loaded into every view with $this->load->vars()