My aim is to check the http status of a website every 5 minutes and throw an alert message in case it is not 200. To keep it simple, I would like to discuss my question based on the piece of code given below.
a <- status_code(GET(""))
if (a == 404) system('CMD /C "ECHO Client error: (404) Not Found && PAUSE"',
invisible=FALSE, wait=FALSE)
The last bit that begins with system
found on
Show a popup/message box from a Windows batch file
This is a message box from C:\windows\SYSTEM32\CMD.exe poping up that says:
Client error:(404) Not Found
Press any key to continue...
Is there a possiblity to add Sys.time() along this message?
Using the taskscheduleR I scheduled the script above. To get help see:
myscript <- "the address of your r script"
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "myfancyscript_5min", rscript = myscript,
schedule = "MINUTE", starttime = "11:20", modifier = 5)
In this case the message box I get is shown below. Note that this time it is without the message.
How can I get the message written when I run the script using the task scheduler?
You just need to edit the first part of the code. As advised in the comment we will make use of notifier:
In case you have issues with installing the notifier, I was only able to install it through the command below.
Replace the first bit with the following:
a <- status_code(GET(""))
if (a == 404) notify(
title = "404",
msg = c("Client error: (404) Not Found")