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How can i conditionally format a whole column

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I want the right column to get a bold font whenever the left column is bigger.

For example: 0 should be bold and 59 should be bold in the right column.

Whenever I try it I add a range and then choose 'smaller than' and I choose the range of the left column it adds the complete column and compares it to the complete other column. I want them to be compared individually.


  • Go to

    • Format.
    • Conditional Formatting.
    • In the field "Apply to range" fill in the range that you want to apply these formatting rules on. For example column B:B.
    • select "Greater than" in the "Format cells if..." drop-down box. Fill in the "value or formula box" the 1st cell that you want to check. For example =A1.
    • Change the Formatting style to Bold

    And you're done.

    Go here for a live example, copy it to your own drive and have fun!