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Change all cameras attribute

guys. What I'm trying to do is searching all user created cameras in the scene and change attributes of them at the same time. This is what I got so far and this changes only one camera's attribute. Can I get some advice? I guess I need to know how to make a list of this defined user created cameras so that I can change all of them at the same time.

Thank you in advance.

import maya.cmds as cmds

allCams ='camera'), l=True)
dfCams = [camera for camera in cameras if, parent=True)[0],startupCamera=True, q=True)]
myCams = list(set(allCams) - set(dfCams))
cmds.setAttr((myCams[0] + '.nearClipPlane'), 0.01)
cmds.setAttr((myCams[0] + '.farClipPlane'), 1000000)


  • a simple loop should do the trick, here is an example with dictionnary but you could zip your attrs/values into a list too

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    allCams ='camera')
    defCam = ['perspShape','topShape', 'sideShape', 'frontShape']
    cams = list(set(allCams)-set(defCam))
    attributes = {'nearClipPlane':0.01,
    for c in cams:
        for attrName in attributes.keys():
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}'.format(c, attrName), attributes[attrName])

    Also, note that in your code :

    allCams ='camera'), l=True)

    will give long names against your listRelatives :

    cmds.listRelatives(camera, parent=True)

    that need the flag -fullPath to return long path

    You wont be able to susbstract your sets otherwise. I would recommend to do :

    defaultcam = [i for i in allCams if, startupCamera=True, q=True)]
    fullDefCam =, l=True)