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Enforce updating locale format after locale switch

I use momentjs in my React project. I've implemented the locale configuration via React Context API but it turns out that changing the global locale of momentjs doesn't affect existing objects. It's a feature since version 2.8.0, see Changing locale globally.

moment.locale();       // 'en'
const m = moment();
m.format("L");         // 11/01/2018
moment.locale("de"));  // 'de'
m.format("L");         // 11/01/2018

The LocaleProvider component switches the locales.

// LocaleProvider class component
onChangeLocale = locale => moment.locale(locale);

A child component renders a locale specific momentjs instance.

// child element class component
render() {
  const { currentDate } = this.state;
  return <div>{currentDate.format("L")}<div>;

How could I enforce existing momentjs object to use the changed locale?


  • I solved the problem by setting the global locale explicitly with moment.locale() when rendering the component.

    // child element class component
    import moment from "moment";
    render() {
      const { currentDate } = this.state;
      return <div>{currentDate.locale(moment.locale()).format("L")}<div>;