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Segmenting sentence into subsentences with CoreNLP

I am working on the following problem: I would like to split sentences into subsentences using Stanford CoreNLP. The example sentence could be:

"Richard is working with CoreNLP, but does not really understand what he is doing"

I would now like my sentence to be split into single "S" as shown in the tree diagram below:

enter image description here

I would like the output to be a list with the single "S" as follows:

['Richard is working with CoreNLP', ', but', 'does not really understand what', 'he is doing']

I would be really thankful for any help :)


  • I suspect the tool you're looking for is Tregex, described in more detail in the power point here or the Javadoc of the class itself.

    In your case, I believe the pattern you're looking for is simply S. So, something like: “S” <path_to_file>

    where the file is a Penn Treebank formatted tree -- that is, something like (ROOT (S (NP (NNS dogs)) (VP (VB chase) (NP (NNS cats))))).

    As an aside: I believe the fragment ", but" is not actually a sentence, as you've hightlighted in the figure. Rather, the node you've highlighted subsumes the whole sentence "Richard is working with CoreNLP, but does not really understand what he is doing". Tregex would then print out this whole sentence as one of the matches. Similarly, "does not really understand what" is not a sentence unless it subsumes the entire SBAR: "does not understand what he is doing".

    If you want just the "leaf" sentences (i.e., a sentence that's not subsumed by another sentence), you can try a pattern more like:

    S !>> S

    Note: I haven't tested the patterns -- use at your own risk!