I am creating a Dotnet application to pull out the customer data from the Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud.
But when I am calling the Interaction API
https://api.dec.sitefinity.com/collect/v2/data-centers/{App KEY}/datasources/{datasourcesname}/interactions
When I had tried passing Website as the key it gives 1 as the response instead of the interactions data.
What will be the default dataSourceName need to be passed with the Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud API to get the interaction details?
Page tracking code :
return DataIntelligenceSubmitScript.load({"apiServerUrl":"https://api.dec.sitefinity.com","apiKey":"88cf13bb-3424-12f4-6fc1-19360fexxxxx","applicationName":"Website","trackingCookieDomain":"","keepDecTrackingCookieOnTrackingConsentRejection":false});
You need to use one of the data sources configured under your data center.
Login into the DEC account -> Administration -> Click on the data center you want to use -> Data integration.
Articles that might help with the setup -