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How to include the paddle in the pong game?

I have some problems with my code, which I can't really figure it out. So I started programming the pong game but I don't know how to include the paddle, so the ball bounces off when hitting the paddle but goes through, when it isn't. I've tried if- & else statements and a constrain function for this but it didn't work somehow.

My code:

float ballxposition = 0; float ballyposition = 0; float speedx = 0;
float speedy = 0;

void setup() {  size(1024, 768);  speedx = 10;  speedy = 10; }

void draw() {  background(255);  fill(128);  rectMode(CENTER); 
rect(mouseX, 730, 250, 20);

fill(0, 0, 255);  ellipse(ballxposition, ballyposition, 30, 30);

ballxposition = ballxposition + speedx;  ballyposition = ballyposition
+ speedy;

if (ballxposition>width||ballxposition<0) {

speedx = speedx * -1;  }

if (ballyposition>height||ballyposition<0) {

speedy = speedy * -1;  } }

Would really appreciate your help. Thanks.


  • You may find this youtube video worth watching it's created by a guy called Dan Shiffman his website is The Coding Train:

    Coding Challenge #67: Pong!

    I find his coding challenges very useful