I have downloaded the community samples, installed SDK and run the solution successfully in Visual Studio to use the default add-in. I am now interested in customizing the control to:
1) display specific layers (not all of the active/displayed layers)
2) open to a specified zoom extent.
I have located some of the snippets on the git site (zoom to extent specifically) but do not know how to format the coordinates and am unclear as to what heading they go under. I cannot find related code to mimic and am unfamiliar with coding in C# (pretty well versed in python and AHK). Any help or resources would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I got this response, for those who are interested: see thread here
Create Method: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/sdk/api-reference/#topic12607.html
public static MapControlContent Create( IEnumerable layers, Envelope initialExtent, MapViewingMode viewingMode )