Method of get UTXO
getUtoxs(address){ var options;
if( === "testnet"){
options = {
url: testnet.apiBaseUrl + "/api/addr/" + address + "/utxo"
}; }else{
options = {
url: livenet.apiBaseUrl + "/addr/" + address + "/utxo"
return fetch(options.url)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) =>data)
.catch((error) =>{
Method of send btc
sendingBTC(utxos, tx) {
try {
var options;
var transaction = new bitcore.Transaction()
.from(utxos) //this line gets error
} catch (e) {
this methods are getting an error. What is the wrong in this methods ?
Try using bitcore-insight to make the getUtxos work.
The preferable way to do this would be to return a promise in the getUtxos() function which you can then consume, preferably using async-await in the sendingBtc() function.
Here's an excerpt of code to help you out.
var bitcore = require('node_modules/bitcore-explorers/node_modules/bitcore-lib');
var Insight = require("node_modules/bitcore-explorers").Insight;
var insight = new Insight("testnet");
function getUtxos(address){
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
insight.getUnspentUtxos(address, (err, utxos)=>{
if(err) reject(err)
async function sendingBtc() {
let utxos = await getUtxos(address);
// Another function to derive your private key
let privateKey = await generatePrivKey
.to(req.body.txSendAddress,amount*100000000 - 3000)
insight.broadcast(tx, (err, returnedTxId)=>{
if(!err) console.log(returnedTxId)
Hope this piece of code helps you out, remember you also need to derive your private key to sign the transaction and set up a change address (optional but recommended)!