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GKE cluster fails to create instances

Creating a gcloud kubernetes cluster from a script and the cluster is takes forever to create, just ends up failing after 35 minutes.


gcloud container clusters create 148374ed-92b0-4088-9623-c22c5aee3 \
    --num-nodes 3 \
    --enable-autorepair \
    --cluster-version 1.11.2-gke.9 \
    --scopes storage-ro \
    --zone us-central1-a

The error are not clear, looks like some kind of buffer overflow internal to gcloud.

Deploy error: Not all instances running in IGM after 35m6.391174155s. Expect 3.

Current errors: [INTERNAL_ERROR]: Instance 'gke-148374ed-92b0-default-pool-66d3729f-6mw3' creation failed: Code: '-2097338327842179396' - ; Instance 'gke-148374ed-92b0-default-pool-66d3729f-qwpd' creation failed: Code: '-2097338327842179396' - ; .

Any ideas for debugging this?


  • I've been facing similar issue while creating a cluster for the past 3 hours. A ticket has already been raised and GCP engineering team is working on the fix.

    For status updates on the ticket, visit