I see https://github.com/JetBrains/MPS-extensions publishes releases via GitHub, however it does not look convenient for integration of the artifacts to a MPS-based project.
What if my project is built via MPS and it depends on MPS-extensions? It would be great if there was a way to automatically download proper extensions artifact via command line (e.g. ./gradlew downloadExtensions
The following worked for me:
(see https://github.com/Hardella/ide61131/blob/8088fbd9bcc2780f5772856a962fbfe6954b3e50/build.gradle ):
repositories {
maven { url 'https://projects.itemis.de/nexus/content/repositories/mbeddr' }
configurations {
dependencies {
mpsExtensions "de.itemis.mps:extensions:2018.2.+"
task resolve_extensions(type: Copy) {
dependsOn configurations.mpsExtensions
from {
configurations.mpsExtensions.resolve().collect { zipTree(it) }
into "lib"
Then ./gradlew resolve_extensions
downloads and unpacks mps-extensions
into lib/de.itemis.mps.extensions/...
Then it can be plugged to MPS
instance via Preferences
-> Build, Execution, Deployment
-> Project Libraries
/ Global Libraries
The following .mps/libraries.xml
configures the library as Project Library
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectLibraryManager">
<option name="libraries">
<entry key="mps-extensions">
<option name="name" value="mps-extensions" />
<option name="path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/lib/de.itemis.mps.extensions" />