I am programming a PLC device (Moxa ioLogik E1214) and have connected the DI ports to buttons, and the coils are connected to LED lights. The idea is that when you press a button, the LED should light up.
I have gotten the program to work if you hold down the button until the read input function executes. The problem is that I'd like to set a time frame (X seconds) and if the button is pressed (and not held down) within this timeframe the light should toggle.
The code is below:
import time
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()
from pprint import pprint
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient as ModbusClient
moxaA = ModbusClient('XX.XX.XX.XX', port=502)
print "Press a button now"
result = moxaA.read_input_registers(0x30, 1)
if result:
pressedBtn = result.registers[0]
if pressedBtn == 1:
moxaA.write_coil(0, 1)
moxaA.write_coil(0, 0)
As you can see I've set a timeout for the reading of the input registers. But how can I "listen" for an input change within these seconds, and not have to hold the button down until the read input registers function executes?
Thanks in advance
You forgot some arguments (unit
, connect
, isError()
I improved your snippet code:
moxaA = ModbusClient('XX.XX.XX.XX', port=502)
if moxaA.connect()
print "Press a button now"
result = moxaA.read_input_registers(0x30, 1, unit=1)
if not result.isError():
pressedBtn = result.registers[0]
if pressedBtn == 1:
moxaA.write_coil(0, 1, unit=1)
moxaA.write_coil(0, 0, unit=1)
you should press the button 2 seconds or after 2 seconds.isError()
defined in the pymodbus 1.4.0 and above.unit
, in many cases unit
is equal 1