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ERROR : ISO C++ forbids conversion from string constant to char*

So, I have a program that uses the graphics mode [graphics.h] library... and I want to initialize the graph, So I would do this so naturally do this :

initgraph(graphics_driver,graphics_mode,"") ;

When I compile the above, it gives the error "ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to char*"

I know one workaround for this :

char c_array[] = "" ; 
initgraph(graphics_driver,graphics_mode,c_array) ;

The above compiles just fine... This is ok with functions like initgraph().. because I will only be calling it once. But, I would like to use the outtextxy() function like this (Because I call it multiple times in my program) :

outtextxy(0,0,"Test") ;

Because declaring an array for all the different outtextxy() functions will just be a waste of space.

So, is there any way to use the above without arrays or any extra variables?

P.S: I am using codeblocks after installing the graphics.h library and configuring all the linker options. etc...


  • If you are absolutely sure that outtextxy() will not modify the string passed to it you could write you own wrapper function like:

    void my_outtextxy(int x, int y, const char* text) {
      outtextxy(x, y, const_cast<char*>(text));