I am getting a Type mismatch with following error:
Type mismatch, expected: Color, actual Option[Color]
How can I unwrap it?
Below are more details
case class ColorDetail(
color: Option[Color],
shades: List[Shade]
def colorToProtobuf(c: Color): ColorMessage = {
case class ColorDetail(
color: Option[Color],
shades: List[Shade]
val c = ColorDetail(Some(Color("Green")), List())
c.color // Some(Color(Green))
c.color.get // Color(Green)
This will fail if color
is None
though. If you are okay with that, just let it fail. If you want to give it a default value (ie if a color is not provided), is .getOrElse(...)
case class ColorDetail(
color: Option[Color],
shades: List[Shade]
val c = ColorDetail(None, List())
c.color // None
c.color.getOrElse(Color("Blue")) // Color(Blue)