I am having a PySpark DataFrame. How can I chop off/remove last 5 characters from the column name
below -
from pyspark.sql.functions import substring, length
valuesCol = [('rose_2012',),('jasmine_2013',),('lily_2014',),('daffodil_2017',),('sunflower_2016',)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(valuesCol,['name'])
| name|
| rose_2012|
| jasmine_2013|
| lily_2014|
| daffodil_2017|
I want to create 2 columns, the flower
and year
Expected output:
| name|year| flower|
| rose_2012|2012| rose|
| jasmine_2013|2013| jasmine|
| lily_2014|2014| lily|
| daffodil_2017|2017| daffodil|
column I have created -
df = df.withColumn("year", substring(col("name"),-4,4))
| name|year|
| rose_2012|2012|
| jasmine_2013|2013|
| lily_2014|2014|
| daffodil_2017|2017|
I don't know how to chop last 5 characters, so that I only have the name of flowers. I tried something like this, by invoking length
, but that doesn't work.
df = df.withColumn("flower",substring(col("name"),0,length(col("name"))-5))
How can I create flower
column with only flower names?
You can use expr function
>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import substring, length, col, expr
>>> df = df.withColumn("flower",expr("substring(name, 1, length(name)-5)"))
>>> df.show()
| name|year| flower|
| rose_2012|2012| rose|
| jasmine_2013|2013| jasmine|
| lily_2014|2014| lily|
| daffodil_2017|2017| daffodil|