I am new to dojo and using version 1.7.Making service call from dojo now i need to change the request method from GET to POST. For GET request currently i am using dojo/io/script, for POST should use dojo/request/script suggested by https://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dojo/io/script.html . But dojo/request/script introtuced in dojo 1.8. Is there any other method to call POST types or need to go with dojo 1.8? Help me to resolve this ,thanks in advance.
It's preferable not to use dojo/io/script
, and this last is deprecated in 1.8 version as per as listed in documentation .
If You want to call a specific script file in order to embed it into a page or an app , use dojo/request/script ,
So it's better to migrate to 1.8
Otherwise if you want to call an endpoint that return data , html , or some results ,
just use only the dojo/request
require(["dojo/request"], function(request){
request.post(url, {data:data, method: 'POST', handleAs: 'json'}).then(