I want to achieve the same as:
data train_Sex(keep=Name Sex) train_Age(keep=Name Age) train_Height(keep=Name Height) train_Weight(keep=Name Height);
set sashelp.class;
using a macro program with a list of variables. As far as I went:
* Build macro program;
%macro build_sets(var_list);
%let nwords = %sysfunc(countw(&var_list));
%do i=1 %to &nwords;
call symput("variable", %scan(&var_list, i));
data train_&variable(keep=Name &variable);
set sashelp.class;
* Run it;
%let var_list = Sex Age Height Weight;
But I am lacking the knowledge how can I dynamically change the "variable" var.
similar questions:
1.SAS dynamically declaring macro variable 2. Using a dynamic macro variable in a call symput statement 3. Dynamic macro variable access SAS
you were close. below thing should work for you. call symput is part of datastep is used to create macrovariable from dvariables and hence the issue.
%macro build_sets(var_list);
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&var_list));
%let variable= %scan(&var_list, &i));
data train_&variable(keep=Name &variable);
set sashelp.class;
* Run it;
%let var_list = Sex Age Height Weight;