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Change the value of a field in roAssociativeArray of brightscript

I created task and Ran it (to get the video details) when user presses watch button on the video asset. I am able to run the task and get the playback details from server. After getting play details, I need to ran a timer for every 30 sec, and once the timer is fired, I need to run another task to update the heartbeat to the server. After receiving the response for heartbeat, I need to update one field of the playback details with a value of response for heartbeat. Even though I changed the value of field using addReplace(), the value is not getting changed.


sub playLive()
    m.livePlaybackData = CreateObject("roSGNode", "FetchPlaybackDetails")
    m.livePlaybackNode.observeField("playbackDetails", "didReceivePlaybackDetails")     
    m.livePlaybackNode.control = "RUN"  
end sub

sub didReceivePlaybackDetails()
    videoContent = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
    videoContent.url = m.livePlaybackNode.playbackDetails.pUrl
    videoContent.title = "Test Video"
    videoContent.streamformat = "dash" = videoContent = true = "play""state", "OnVideoPlayerStateChange")
    m.playbackHeartbeatTimer.control = "start"
end sub

sub updateHeartbeat()
    m.heartbeatNode.setField("liveStreamToken", m.livePlaybackNode.playbackDetails.streamToken)
    m.heartbeatNode.observeField("heartbeatContent", "didReceiveHeartbeatContent")
    m.heartbeatNode.control = "RUN"
end sub

sub didReceiveHeartbeatContent()
    m.livePlaybackNode.playbackDetails.AddReplace("streamToken", m.heartbeatNode.heartbeatContent.streamToken)
end sub

In didReceiveHeartbeatContent(), I am trying to change the streamToken value in playbackDetails with streamToken of heartbeatContent. But the value is not getting changed.

playbackDetails and heartbeatContent are roAssociativeArrays I defined in XML files and setting values as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name = "FetchPlaybackDetails" extends = "Task" >

    <field id="playbackDetails" type="assocarray" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name = "UpdateHeartbeat" extends = "Task" >

    <field id="liveStreamToken" type="string" />
    <field id="heartbeatContent" type="assocarray" />


Can any one please suggest me how to change the value of a filed in the playbackDetails?


  • Associative arrays as node fields are immutable, meaning that their contents cannot be changed.

    You'll have to override the entire object:

    playbackDetails = m.livePlaybackNode.playbackDetails
    playbackDetails.streamToken = m.heartbeatNode.heartbeatContent.streamToken
    m.livePlaybackNode.playbackDetails = playbackDetails

    Or you could use Nodes instead of Associative arrays.