Installed Hyperledger sawtooth with this guide:
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.204 DEBUG selector_events] Using selector: ZMQSelector
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.205 INFO interconnect] Listening on tcp://
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.205 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_message function for connection ServerThread
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.206 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_last_message function for connection ServerThread
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.206 DEBUG genesis] genesis_batch_file: /var/lib/sawtooth/genesis.batch
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.206 DEBUG genesis] block_chain_id: not yet specified
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.207 INFO genesis] Producing genesis block from /var/lib/sawtooth/genesis.batch
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.207 DEBUG genesis] Adding 1 batches
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.208 DEBUG executor] no transaction processors registered for processor type sawtooth_settings: 1.0
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.209 INFO executor] Waiting for transaction processor (sawtooth_settings, 1.0)
[2018-11-04 02:35:13.311 INFO processor_handlers] registered transaction processor: connection_id=014a2086c9ffe773b104d8a0122b9d5f867a1b2d44236acf4ab097483dbe49c2ad33d3302acde6f985d911067fe92207aa8adc1c9dbc596d826606fe1ef1d4ef, family=intkey, version=1.0, namespaces=['1cf126']
[2018-11-04 02:35:18.110 INFO processor_handlers] registered transaction processor: connection_id=e615fc881f8e7b6dd05b1e3a8673d125a3e759106247832441bd900abae8a3244e1507b943258f62c458ded9af0c5150da420c7f51f20e62330497ecf9092060, family=xo, version=1.0, namespaces=['5b7349']
[2018-11-04 02:35:21.908 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
[2018-11-04 02:35:21.908 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-144:~$ sudo intkey-tp-python -vv
[2018-11-04 02:42:05.710 INFO core] register attempt: OK
ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-144:~$ intkey create_batch
Writing to batches.intkey...
ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-144:~$ intkey load
batches: 2 batch/sec: 160.14600713999351
REST-API works, too.
I did exactly all steps as shown in the guide. The older one doesn't help me, too. hyperledger sawtooth validator node permissioning issue
ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-144:~$ curl http://localhost:8008/blocks
"error": {
"code": 15,
"message": "The validator has no genesis block, and is not yet ready to be queried. Try your request again later.",
"title": "Validator Not Ready"
genesis was attached ?!
As the log shows, the genesis batch is waiting on the sawtooth-setting
TP. If you start that up, just like you start up intkey
and xo
, it will process the genesis batch and will then be able to handle your intkey