I am having trouble retrieving the daily rate in the JSON file returned from our Amadeus Car Rental API.
I am getting a code error for the daily_price variable (list indices must be integers or slices, not str).
w, h = 3, i
final_list = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
while z < i:
company_name = (json_data["results"][z]["provider"]["company_name"])
daily_price = (json_data["results"][z]["cars"]["rates"]["price"]["amount"])
#total_price = (json_data["results"][z]["cars"]["estimated_total"]["amount"])
final_list[z][0] = company_name
final_list[z][1] = daily_price
#final_list[z][1] = total_price
final_list[z][2] = z
z = z + 1
return HttpResponse(final_list)
I have seen this before when I have not navigated the JSON structure correctly. I have tried a mixture of formats, but not sure to retrieve the daily rate nested in the JSON.
"results" : [ {
"provider" : {
"company_code" : "ZU",
"company_name" : "AUTO EUROPE"
"branch_id" : "SLCT01",
"location" : {
"latitude" : 40.78994,
"longitude" : -111.98125
"airport" : "SLC",
"address" : {
"city" : "SALT LAKE CITY",
"country" : "US"
"cars" : [ {
"vehicle_info" : {
"acriss_code" : "ED",
"transmission" : "No information available",
"fuel" : "No information available",
"category" : "Economy",
"type" : "4-5 Door"
"rates" : [ {
"type" : "DAILY",
"price" : {
"amount" : "26.00",
"currency" : "USD"
} ],
you missed that some of them is a dict inside a list
daily_price = json_data["results"][z]["cars"][0]["rates"][0]["price"]["amount"]