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How to use and Firebase on public repository

I have a public Github project which uses Firebase, so it needs a GoogleService-Info.plist file. Since this file includes a bunch of API keys and such, I added the file to .gitignore

Today I set up for CI purposes. Adding the project went just fine but now every time I trigger a build (or push to master), the build fails since the GoogleService-Info.plist is obviously missing from the repo.

Is there any kind of workaround to still hide the .plistfile from Github but expose it to Bitrise?


  • Use Secrets or Generic File Storage ( in the Workflow editor.

    There's just one limitation, that as your app is a public one on those secrets won't be available in Pull Request builds. But based on what you wrote that shouldn't be a problem, you don't want to expose it for anyone who can send a PR.

    Note: if you'd store it as a Secret, then you can just write it into a file via a simple Script step: echo "$MY_PLIST_SECRET" > ./path/to/file.plist