I am converting a Polymer 1 behavior to a Polymer 3 mixin.
With the Polymer 1 behaviors, I was able to place a host property in the behavior. Is that possible with Polymer 3 Mixins?
Polymer 1 behavior:
AccountBehavior = {
properties: {
tabactivated: Boolean
observers: ['_refreshActivePosts(tabactivated)'],
_refreshActivePosts: function(tabactivated) {
if (tabactivated) {
Not sure I can remember exactly what the old host property does. But I have this module
which I wrote to find the host of an element
export default function domHost(self) {
let parent = self.parentNode;
while(parent && parent.nodeType !== 11) {
parent = parent.parentNode; //work up the hierarchy
return parent ? parent.host : self;
I use it quite a lot to add event listeners to my hosting element something like this:-
connectedCallback() {
this.domHost = domHost(this);
this.domHost.addEventListener('pas-filelocation-request', this._gotRequest);
disconnectedCallback() {
this.domHost.removeEventListener('pas-filelocation-request', this._gotRequest);