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Displaying text from onmouseover attribute with Beautiful Soup

Different versions of this question have already been asked:

How can I locate a onmouseover element using Selenium in Python?

How to emulate mouseover or run JS function on page with PhantomJS in NodeJS

Basically what I want to do is to get the text from a table cell that displays when the mouse is over, as seen in the image below. I code in Python and use Beautiful Soup

enter image description here

I can successfully get the onmouseover attribute using Beautiful Soup:

<td class="right odds down"><div onmouseout="delayHideTip()" onmouseover="page.hist(this,'P-0.00-0-0','357osx2s5a4x0x7ot9r',2,event,0,1)">+340</div></td>  

<div onmouseout="delayHideTip()" onmouseover="page.hist(this,'P-0.00-0-0','357osx2s5a4x0x7ot9r',2,event,0,1)">+340</div>

My question is. How can I get the text (the initial odd) using the attribute:


Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Ok the answer is actually to get the information with Selenium webdriver. For example if we want to get initial odds from bwin, which the 8th row in our odds-data-table: its x-path is:

     "//*[@id =" + '"odds-data-table"' + "]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[8]/td[2]")

    and we can retrieve the initial odd data by first hovering over it and getting the info as such:

     initial_odd_data = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id =" + '"odds-data-table"' + "]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[8]/td[2]")
    hov = ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(initial_odd_data)
    data_in_the_bubble = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='tooltiptext']")
    hover_data = data_in_the_bubble.get_attribute("innerHTML")