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Mapstruct mapping - String to List<String>

I am struggling to map a string object from source(Relation.class) and to a List of target(RelationListDTO.class) .

   public class Relation {

    private String name;
    private String email;
    private String completeAddress;

    // getters and setters

public class RelationListDTO {
        private String name;
        private String email;
        private List<Address> address;

        // getters and setters

public class Address{
private String street;
private String city;
// getters and setters

Mapper class


public interface RelationMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "completeAddress", target = "address.get(0).city")
            RelationListDTO relationToListDto(Relation relation);

But it is not working. Could anyone please help.


  • What you are trying to do using MapStruct is not possible. Because MapStruct doesn't work with run time objects. MapStruct only generated plain java code for mapping two beans. And I find your requirement is little unique. You have a list of Addresses but want to map only city from source object? You can still do like this

    @Mapping( target = "address", source = "completeAddress")
    RelationListDTO relationToListDto(Relation relation);
    // MapStruct will know to use this method to map between a `String` and `List<Address>`
    default List<Address> mapAddress(String relation){
          //create new arraylist
          // create new AddressObject and set completeAddress to
         // add that to list and return list