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How to use multiprocessing.Queue.get method?

The code below places three numbers in a queue. Then it attempts to get the numbers back from the queue. But it never does. How to get the data from the queue?

import multiprocessing

queue = multiprocessing.Queue()

for i in range(3):

while not queue.empty():
    print queue.get()


  • I originally deleted this answer after I read @Martijn Pieters', since he decribed the "why this doesn't work" in more detail and earlier. Then I realized, that the use case in OP's example doesn't quite fit to the canonical sounding title of

    "How to use multiprocessing.Queue.get method".

    That's not because there's no child process involved for demonstration, but because in real applications hardly ever a queue is pre-filled and only read out after, but reading and writing happens interleaved with waiting times in between. The extended demonstration code Martijn showed, wouldn't work in the usual scenarios, because the while loop would break too soon when enqueuing doesn't keep up with reading. So here is the answer reloaded, which is able to deal with the usual interleaved feeds & reads scenarios:

    Don't rely on queue.empty checks for synchronization.

    After putting an object on an empty queue there may be an infinitesimal delay before the queue’s empty() method returns False and get_nowait() can return without raising queue.Empty. ...


    Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise. Because of multithreading/multiprocessing semantics, this is not reliable. docs

    Either use for msg in iter(queue.get, sentinel): to .get() from the queue, where you break out of the loop by passing a sentinel value...iter(callable, sentinel)?

    from multiprocessing import Queue
    SENTINEL = None
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        queue = Queue()
        for i in [*range(3), SENTINEL]:
        for msg in iter(queue.get, SENTINEL):

    ...or use get_nowait() and handle a possible queue.Empty exception if you need a non-blocking solution.

    from multiprocessing import Queue
    from queue import Empty
    import time
    SENTINEL = None
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        queue = Queue()
        for i in [*range(3), SENTINEL]:
        while True:
                msg = queue.get_nowait()
                if msg == SENTINEL:
            except Empty:
                # do other stuff

    In case only one process and only one thread within this process is reading the queue, it would be also possible to exchange the last code snippet with:

    while True:
        if not queue.empty():  # this is not an atomic operation ...
            msg = queue.get()  # ... thread could be interrupted in between
            if msg == SENTINEL:
            # do other stuff

    Since a thread could drop the GIL in between checking if not queue.empty() and queue.get(), this wouldn't be suitable for multi-threaded queue-reads in a process. The same applies if multiple processes are reading from the queue.

    For single-producer / single-consumer scenarios, using a multiprocessing.Pipe instead of multiprocessing.Queue would be sufficient and more performant, though.