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How to convince Zend Framework to send duplicate headers?

With Content-Security-Policy headers there is often a need to send more than one such header or to union merge these headers before sending them. This arises from the fact that each module/package of an application may define its own CSP.

Right now ZF3 doesn't seem to have a way to handle such a scenario. If I try to add multple CSP headers, they keep overwriting each other so that only the last added header is sent.

Code to reproduce the issue

$headers = $controller->getResponse()->getHeaders();
$headers->addHeader(new ContentSecurityPolicy($someDirectives));
$headers->addHeader(new ContentSecurityPolicy($someOtherDirectives));

Expected results

The expected result is a response with two CSP headers (OR a union merged CSP).

Actual results

The second addition overwrites the first, the response only contains that one CSP.


How can I make ZF3 send multple headers with the same fieldname?

For more information about this problem, also see my own issue on github


  • You should be able to create a simple workaround using GenericMultipleHeader as a reference (and changing comma delimiter to semicolon):

    class MultiContentSecurityPolicy extends ContentSecurityPolicy implements MultipleHeaderInterface {
        public static function fromString($headerLine)
            list($fieldName, $fieldValue) = GenericHeader::splitHeaderLine($headerLine);
            if (strpos($fieldValue, ';')) {
                $headers = [];
                foreach (explode(';', $fieldValue) as $multiValue) {
                    $headers[] = new static($fieldName, $multiValue);
                return $headers;
            } else {
                $header = new static($fieldName, $fieldValue);
                return $header;
        public function toStringMultipleHeaders(array $headers)
            $name  = $this->getFieldName();
            $values = [$this->getFieldValue()];
            foreach ($headers as $header) {
                if (! $header instanceof static) {
                    throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
                        'This method toStringMultipleHeaders was expecting an array of headers of the same type'
                $values[] = $header->getFieldValue();
            return $name . ': ' . implode(';', $values) . "\r\n";

    Then use that class instead of ContentSecurityPolicy:

    $headers = $controller->getResponse()->getHeaders();
    $headers->addHeader(new MultiContentSecurityPolicy($someDirectives));
    $headers->addHeader(new MultiContentSecurityPolicy($someOtherDirectives));

    Since Zend checks the interface rather than the class, should work fine.