Search code examples

how to sort a list of object value in an object

This is the query that i use to fetch items and item detail of each item with specific id

public class ItemModel 
   public int ItemSeq{get;set}
   public string ItemName{get;set;}
   public double? Amount{get;set;}
public class SampleModel
    public string Id{ get; set; }
    public string Code{ get; set; }
    public List<ItemModel> Items{ get; set; }

public List<SampleModel> GetItems(string id)

    var items= _context.ItemTable.Where(t => t.Id== id).ToList<SampleModel>();
    return list;

To make the requirement clear there are two table ItemTable and ItemDetailTable And Id being ItemTable primary key and foreign key in ItamDetailTableand the ItemDetailTable may have multiple values for a single ID and the above query returns the item and the details from ItemDetailTable with the specific id what i want is to have a sorted item detail value by the value of Amount. Is there any way to do that ?

Sample Data


Id     Code
1      Code1
2      Code3


Id    ItemSeq    ItemName    Amount
1     1          ABC1        200
1     2          ABC2        129
1     3          ABC3        549
2     1          DEF1        265
2     2          DEf2        970

what i want is when the value of Id is 1 the return value to be

Id:   1
Code: Code 1
     ItemSeq:  2
     ItemName: ABC2
     Amount:   129
     ItemSeq:  1
     ItemName: ABC1
     Amount:   200
     ItemSeq:  3
     ItemName: ABC3
     Amount:   549


  • You need to return sorted list of ItemModel by passing id parameter to GetItems method.

    public List<ItemModel> GetItems(string id)
        var items = _context.SampleTable.Where(t => t.Id == id).SelectMany(x => x.Items).Where(p => p.Amount != null).OrderBy(x => x.Amount).ToList();
        return items.ToList();


    the above query returns the item and the details from ItemDetailTable with the specific id

    You also need to add foreign key property to ItemDetailTable like

    public class ItemDetailTable
        public int ItemSeq { get; set; }
        public string ItemName { get; set; }
        public double? Amount { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }   //Foreign key of ItemTable
    public ItemTable GetItems(string id)
        //Get "ItemTable" record from database
        var item = _context.ItemTable.Where(x => x.Id == id).SingleOrDefault();
        //Retrieve its "Items" and sort by ascending order
        var itemDetails = item.Items.Where(x => x.Id == id).Where(p => p.Amount != null).OrderBy(x => x.Amount).ToList();
        //Preare a new "ItemTable" object to return
        ItemTable itemTable = new ItemTable
            Code = item.Code,
            Id = item.Id,
            Items = itemDetails
        //Return new "itemTable" with sorted list of "ItemDetailTable"
        return itemTable;

    Edit 2:

    public ItemTable GetItems(string id)
        var result = (from i in _context.ItemTable
                      where i.Id == id
                      let sorting = i.Items.Where(x => x.Id == id).Where(x => x.Amount != null).OrderBy(x => x.Amount).ToList()
                      select new ItemTable
                          Id = i.Id,
                          Code = i.Code,
                          Items = sorting
                      }).FirstOrDefault();   //Or => SingleOrDefault
        return result;