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Apply a 1D array to every cell of a 2D array to create a 3D array

Given a 2D array and a 1D array in Numpy:

a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
b = np.array([2,4,6])

I'd like to subtract a - b but instead of getting:

array([[-1, -2, -3],
   [ 2,  1,  0]])

I want this instead:

array([[[-1, -3, -5], [0, -2, -4], [1, -1, -3]],
       [[2, 0, -2], [3, 1, -1], [4, 2, 0]]])

How do I do that vectorized (i.e. no for loops) for speed?


  • One solution is


    This is just a broadcasting trick.

    Instead of subtracting from

    >>> a
    array([[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6]])

    you subtact from

    >>> a[...,np.newaxis]

    which has shape

    >>> a[...,np.newaxis].shape
    (2, 3, 1)

    while b has shape

    >>> b.shape

    So broadcasting rules will give you an output with shape (2,3,3) like you want. There is good information on the principles of broadcasting here.