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Same Base Package in Multiple Linked GPRBuild Projects

With GPRBuild, I have created a library project called Lib. All packages in Lib reside within the package Base, which I use as a base package: to have a base package Base. For instance, if I were to create package Apple in any library or application I make, it would be written out as package Base.Apple.

The problem with this, using GPRBuild. In order to put things under the Base package, it needs to exist. In the GPRBuild library project Lib, I therefore have a file denoting the existance of package Base. Then in the project where I'm using the library Lib, let's refer to it as Proj, I also put all my packages under the Base package (the packages inside Proj). In order to do so, we need to create a file for Proj too with the package definition for just that, Base.

Let's have a look at the gpr project file:

with "lib.gpr";

project Proj is
   -- ...
end Proj;

Through this arises the problem; we suddenly have two files, both called, both defining the Base package, one in each project: the library project Lib, and the project Proj using the library Lib. As we have two packages (and their files) named the same thing, we get this error, which at all is not surprising, at compile time:

unit "base" cannot belong to several projects

The question is: is there a way to have the same base package in multiple projects? Projects that are then linked together through an import (with). If it should prove to be possible, how can it be achieved?


  • You need to put the Base package in a project of its own. The following is a minimal demo.

    In base/,

    project Base is
    end Base;
    package Base is
    end Base;

    In lib/,

    with "../base/base.gpr";
    project Lib is
    end Lib;
    package Base.Lib is
    end Base.Lib;

    In proj/,

    with "../lib/lib.gpr";
    project Proj is
    end Proj;
    with Base.Lib;
    package Base.Proj is
    end Base.Proj;


    $ cd proj/
    $ gprbuild
    using project file proj.gpr