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Including paypal-rest-sdk in react-native project produces an error

When I import Paypal-Rest-SDK and try running:

react-native run-android

An error occurs:

"undefined is not a function(evaluating 'r(d[9]).configure')"

Before this error occurred, I deleted the node_modules folder and reinstalled all modules again, because I had a similar error with "evaluating process.versions.openssl". when I call node -p process.versions, the following is printed:

{ http_parser: '2.8.0',
  node: '8.12.0',
  v8: '6.2.414.66',
  uv: '1.19.2',
  zlib: '1.2.11',
  ares: '1.10.1-DEV',
  modules: '57',
  nghttp2: '1.32.0',
  napi: '3',
  openssl: '1.0.2p',
  icu: '60.1',
  unicode: '10.0',
  cldr: '32.0',
  tz: '2017c' }

and my Code is the following for using the paypal-sdk:

'use strict';
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, TouchableHighlight, Linking}           from 'react-native';

var paypal = require('paypal-rest-sdk');

  mode: 'sandbox', // Sandbox or live
  client_id: 'x',
  client_secret: 'y'});

export default class Paypal extends Component{
                        <Text>This is gonna be a PayPal Thing</Text>

I hope someone can help me. I've googled almost the entire day for this issue.

UPDATE : The Problem is not the include of the paypal-rest-sdk, but the next line when I try to configure the paypal variable. The error dissapears when I comment them out ...but as far as I know it is necessary to configure that

Update No.2 After running npm install --save paypal-rest-sdk I'm back at the problem

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'process.versions.openssl')


  • You are using paypal-rest-sdk which is NodeJS PayPal SDK, I belive it is not compatible with React Native. I suggest to try something React Native specific like

    Or use plain PayPal rest API