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Custom cart notice based on user total purchased amount in Woocommerce

I am trying to display a custom cart notice based on user total purchased amount in Woocommerce, based on this answer code:

Add a percentage discount based on customer total purchases sum in Woocommerce

It does not work as I would like.

For example if a customer has made 2 orders:

  • First order is 200
  • Second order is 122

So the total sum is 200 + 122 = 322. But I get a total of 200. What I am doing wrong?

This is the code that I use:

 add_action( 'woocommerce_before_cart', 'vc' );

  function vc( ) {
// Only for logged in user
if ( ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) || ! is_user_logged_in() )
$um = WC()->session->get( 'um' );
// If not get it and save it
if( empty($um) ){
    // ==> HERE goes the function to get customer's purchases total sum
    $um = get_customer_total_purchases_sum();
    // Save it in WC_Session
    WC()->session->set('um', $um);
 $vv=10000 - $um;
    if ( $um > 0 && $vv >0) {

    echo '<div class="woocommerce-message"><a href="' . get_permalink( 
       woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) . '" class="button wc-forward">Tiếp tục mua sắm</a>Bạn cần thêm ' . wc_price($vv) . ' để được.... </div>';
else { 
echo '......';

Any help is appreciated.


  • Try the following instead (I have revisited a bit get_customer_total_purchases_sum() function):

    // Utililty function to get customer's total purchases sum
    function get_customer_total_purchases_sum() {
        $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); // Current user ID
        if( $current_user_id == 0 ) return 0; // we return zero if customer is not logged in
        global $wpdb;
        // return the SQL query (paid orders sum)
        return $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pm.meta_value) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as pm
        INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as pm2 ON pm.post_id = pm2.post_id
        INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts as p ON pm.post_id = p.ID
        WHERE p.post_status LIKE 'wc-completed' AND p.post_type LIKE 'shop_order'
        AND pm.meta_key LIKE '_order_total' AND pm2.meta_key LIKE '_customer_user'
        AND pm2.meta_value LIKE '$current_user_id'");
    // Display a custom notice
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'total_purchase_custom_notification' );
    function total_purchase_custom_notification( ) {
        if ( is_wc_endpoint_url('order-received') && WC()->session->get( 'purchases_sum' ) ) {
            // We remove this session variable in thankyou page (if it still exist)
            WC()->session->__unset( 'purchases_sum' );
        // On cart page we display a custom notice
        elseif( is_cart() ) {
            // Get customer's purchases total sum and set it in WC_Session
            if( ! WC()->session->get( 'purchases_sum' ) ){
                WC()->session->set('purchases_sum', get_customer_total_purchases_sum());
            $total_purchases  = WC()->session->get( 'purchases_sum' );
            if ( $total_purchases == 0 ) return; // We exit (no purchases or non logged users)
            if ( ( 10000 - $total_purchases ) > 0 )
                wc_add_notice( sprintf(
                    '<a class="button alt wc-forward" style="float:right" href="%s">%s</a> ' .
                    __( "You need an extra %s at all to get a...", "woocommerce" ),
                    get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ),
                    __( "Continue shopping", "woocommerce" ),
                    strip_tags( wc_price( 10000 - $total_purchases ) )
                ), 'notice');
                wc_add_notice( __( "......", "woocommerce"), 'notice' );

    This code goes on function.php file of your active child theme (or theme). Tested and works.

    enter image description here