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Global variables with internal linkage in inline functions

I have a val.h source code file with the global variable with internal linkage and inline function that returns its address:

// val.h
#pragma once
static int val;
inline int* get_val()
  return &val;

Then this header is included in two different translation units. If I call &val in both of these units, I get two different addresses, and it's ok since val has an internal linkage and each translation unit has its own val. But if I call get_val() in both of these units, I get two equal addresses.

Is such behavior guaranteed by the standard, would we always obtain the same value returned by get_val() call from any translation unit?

And what if compiler decides to make true inlining, i.e. just to replace get_val() call by &val statement in each translation unit. Would we get different addresses for each translation unit in such case?


  • Your function violates the One Definition Rule since the expression val refers to different entities in different translation units.

    Its behaviour is undefined.