I have browsed so many questions regarding converting hexadecimal number to a decimal number but I couldn't find a way to convert a uint_16t hexadecimal number to decimal number.Can you help me in this case?Thanks for any advice.
I assume that for hexadecimal you intend it's value representation, for instance:
uint16_t a = 0xFF;
In this case, you are just telling compiler that the variable a has type unsigned int, and it's value is 0xFF (255). There is no difference between writing
uint16_t a = 0xFF;
uint16_t a = 255;
It's value will be the same in both cases. You don't need any conversion. Pay attention to the fact that you are using an unsigned integer of length 16 bits, so the maximum value you can give to the variable before hitting an overflow is 2^16 = 65536