I am trying to setup EGit to work with GitHub with https authentication, instead of the default ssh. (My reason is that I am a teacher, and some of my students do their work from different machines, so it's not convenient to rely on ssh keys stored on disk.) Has anyone gotten this to work? When I try doing a "Push to Upstream" using https, I get the unhelpful error message "An internal Exception occured during push: https://espertus@github.com/MillsCollegeMobileAppDev2011/test.git: not authorized".
I am using Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios) with versions 0.11.3 of Eclipse EGit (Incubation), Eclipse EGit - Source (Incubation), and EGit Mylyn (Incubation). My Destination Git Repository settings are:
you need input your github account password in:
User: espertus
Password: HERE
Store in Secure Store: [checked]
enjoy it! :)