I need to append a set of iterating text lines to an already existing text file. How can i implement it using c#.
As an example-
Iterating text :
foreach (string toolName in value.Tools)
sw.WriteLine("[\"at" + Count.ToString("D4") + "\"] = < ");
sw.WriteLine("text = < \"" + toolName + "\" >");
sw.WriteLine("description = <\" * \">");
Should append it to the line 62 of myTextFile.txt
Something like this. Add all your contents into a list of strings and then output to a file.
List<string> tools = new List<string>()
"Hammer", "Wrench", "Screwdriver", "etc"
List<string> output = new List<string>();
int count = 1;
foreach ( string toolName in tools )
if (output.Count == 61)
output.Add ( "some string" );
output.Add ( "[\"at" + count.ToString ( "D4" ) + "\"] = < " );
output.Add ( "[\"at" + count.ToString ( "D4" ) + "\"] = < " );
output.Add ( "text = < \"" + toolName + "\" >" );
output.Add ( "description = <\" * \">" );
output.Add ( ">" );
string path = @"C:\output.txt";
File.WriteAllLines ( path , output.ToArray ( ) );