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How to show pdf inside elm application?

I have an Elm web application, in a form of SPA and I need to integrate pdf preview functionality.

How can I show pdf file inside Elm application and track that user actually scrolled it to the end?


  • Option 1 is to use a pre-existing pure Elm solution. Searching here I find nothing.
    Option 2 is to code something from scratch. You probably don't want to do this.

    The last option, and it's the best one, is to use "custom elements" with a 3rd party javascript solution, like so:

    1. find a nice Javascript PDF viewer. There seem to be a few out there.
    2. Learn about custom elements. Start here
    3. create a custom element like <my-pdf-viewer> complete with events.
    4. in Elm, render the custom element via and listen for your custom events via