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Appsync Fine Graine Control on Mutation with Multiple Tables

I have the following schema where the author of an Event can make notes on the Event. Only the author of the event should be able to create notes. I store the author in the Event. However, I'm finding other users are able to create a note on an event they didn't author by simply passing the eventId of an another users event, like so:

mutation {
  noteOnEvent(input: { eventId: "***", content: "A comment"}) {

How can i prevent this? I don't see a way to access the EventTable author to in the noteOnEvent resolver


type Note {
    eventId: ID!
    notetId: ID!
    content: String
    author: String


input CreateNoteInput {
    eventId: ID!
    noteId: String!
    content: String

type Event {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    author: String 
    notes: [Note]


  • You can accomplish this using a Nested Resolver.

    If you modify your schema slightly, you can accomplish it like so:

    type EventCheckedNote {
      // Add a resolver on note which creates the note. The event will be available as $cxt.source, and you can make an authZ check before making the mutation.
      note: Note
    type Mutation {
      // Add a resolver on noteOnEvent which queries the Event table.
      noteOnEvent(input: CreateNoteInput!): EventCheckedNote

    Here is a tutorial on using nested resolvers to perform authorization checks with multiple data sources involved: