Hopefully this will be an easy one to solve. I am trying to backup my personal website straight into my HDD with a compact org-mode 'src' block, which is evaluated remotely via tramp.
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent :dir /ssh:username@hostname:
# Backup mysql database
mysqldump -u user -p database > public_html/BACKUP.sql
# Compress directory with the above file and the website main configs
tar zcvf - public_html > $(date +%Y_%m)-website_backup.tar.gz
# Remove database backup from server
rm public_html/BACKUP.sql
I am happy with almost everything in the above code, however, I would like the tar command to create the output file on my machine or the HDD (locally essentially). Currently the tar.gz file is created in the remote machine. Is there a way to specify my local directory inside of the above code? Thank you in advance for any help.
The final setup is as follows
#+NAME: remote
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent :dir /ssh:username@hostname:
# Backup mysql database
mysqldump -u user -p database > public_html/BACKUP.sql
# Compress directory with the above file and the website main configs
tar zcvf - public_html > $(date +%Y_%m)-website_backup.tar.gz
# Remove database backup from server
rm public_html/BACKUP.sql
#+NAME: local
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent :var r=remote
echo $r
rsync -av --remove-source-files -e ssh user@hostname:$(date +%Y_%m)-website_backup.tar.gz /path_to_HDD
which by executing the local block will produce the desired output. Note: It presumes the use of ssh-agent. If anyone knows how to do this with auth-source please let me know.
You can create another code block that's executed locally, and call scp
or whatever from that. Then reference the remote one in the local one. Here's a toy example, where my machine is shannon
and the remote one is easybake
#+NAME: remote
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :dir /ssh:easybake:
#+RESULTS: remote
: easybake
#+NAME: local
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :var r=remote
echo $r
#+RESULTS: local
| easybake |
| shannon |
You don't need to use the output of remote
, the :var
directive is what runs it.