How do I handle a long running tasks on a bot so the client dosnt retry to send the message after 15 seconds again.
I got a bot with the botframework v3 and connect the client with directline
The Direct Line channel connector itself does not retry sending messages. If it does not receive an ack within 15 seconds of sending a message to your bot, it will throw a Gateway Timeout.
If you are using the DirectLineClient, you can override the retry policy, ensuring the client does not retry messages:
DirectLineClientCredentials creds = new DirectLineClientCredentials(directLineSecret);
DirectLineClient directLineClient = new DirectLineClient(new Uri(""), creds);
directLineClient.SetRetryPolicy(new Microsoft.Rest.TransientFaultHandling.RetryPolicy(new Microsoft.Rest.TransientFaultHandling.HttpStatusCodeErrorDetectionStrategy(), 0));
If you have a long running process, that takes more than 15 seconds, consider queuing the message somewhere, so you can acknowledge the call immediately, then process the message on a background thread. This is conceptually called Proactive Messaging. More information can be found here:
Edit: This blog post also explains one method for handling long operations within a bot, by using Azure Queue storage and an Azure Function which processes the operation and calls the bot when finished: Manage a long-running operation
Another option is to process incoming messages, or long processing messages, on a background thread. This experimental sample demonstrates some methods using this design: Immediate Accept Bot