I am working on a web app in ruby on rails that should list presentations that a set of users can sign up for. At the end, the admin should be able to send an email to all users with an automatically generated PDF. I am using prawn to create this pdf.
The controller:
def generate_pdf(teac,pres)
Prawn::Document.new(:page_size => "A4", :page_layout => :landscape) do
text "#{teac.name} #{teac.surname}", align: :center
text "Your Presentations"
[pres.collect{ |r| [r.name] },
pres.collect{ |r| [r.surname] },
pres.collect{ |r| [r.title] },
pres.collect{ |r| [r.room] },
pres.collect{ |r| [Time.at(r.time.to_i).utc.strftime("%H:%M")] },
pres.collect{ |r| [r.date] }]
move_down 20
pres.each do |pres|
text "visitors '#{pres.title}':"
text "#{pres.visitors}"
move_down 20
The problem occurs when the title is so long that the table expands beyond the landscape A4 page. Is there a way to automatically add a new line when the title becomes to long?
If you are okay with setting static column widths, that should to the trick.
For example:
table(data, column_widths: [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100])