My technology stack is
I am trying to achieve this function to update a row in the database
def update(userId: Long, user: User) = {
(for {
_ <- EitherT(updateUser(userId, user))
user: User <- EitherT(findById(userId))
userProfile: userProfile <- EitherT(userProfileRepository.findById(user.userProfileId))
} yield (user, userProfile).map {
case (user: User, userProfile: UserProfile) =>
val response = new UserResponse(user, userProfile)
case error =>
val str = s"update failure: $error"
but when I try to compile this code with EitherT I am getting
value withFilter is not a member of
You're trying to pattern-match inside the for-comprehension (although it looks only as innocent type declaration). But for pattern-matching inside a for-comprehension withFilter
implementation is required (think of what should happen if pattern-matching fails?). So remove matching over types and it should work:
def update(userId: Long, user: User) = {
(for {
_ <- EitherT(updateUser(userId, user))
user <- EitherT(findById(userId))
userProfile <- EitherT(userProfileRepository.findById(user.userProfileId))
} yield (user, userProfile).map {
case (user: User, userProfile: UserProfile) =>
val response = new UserResponse(user, userProfile)
case error =>
val str = s"update failure: $error"