I am implementing dynamic forms using the angular formly module and It's working fine. What functionality I need is Initially there should be a select box which contains multiple options, Based on selection different form fields should be displayed. As I explained I have Implemented and it's working, here what my problem is If I select option 1 and If I submit the form without filling fields, form displaying validation errors that is also cool. But when I select option 2 form fields are changing, but by default, all required fields are showing errors. How can I resist this? Please suggest me.
<div class="row">
<mat-form-field class="col-lg-2">
<mat-select placeholder="Form For" (selectionChange)="getSelectedFormName($event)">
<mat-option value="uf001">UF001</mat-option>
<mat-option value="uf002">UF002</mat-option>
<mat-option value="uf003">UF003</mat-option>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-one" (click)="getDynamicForm()">GET FORM</button>
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submit(model)" >
<formly-form [model]="model" [fields]="fields" [form]="form" *ngIf="isFormTypeSelected" >
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button>
getSelectedFormName(eve) {
this.isFormSaved = false;
this.form = new FormGroup({});
this.model = {};
this.parentFormName = eve.value;
getDynamicForm() {
this.isFormSaved = false;
//fields getting from api call
getDynamicFormBasedOnSelection(formName: string) {
this.auth.getDynamicFormBasedOnSelction(formName, this.userAgencyCode).subscribe(
(result) => {
const str = JSON.stringify(result);
this.fields = JSON.parse(str);
this.isFormTypeSelected = true;
Here I'm providing my screens which are for better understanding
Actually form.reset()
just reset the form values. You need to reset the form directive too. for eg.
<form [formGroup]='authForm' (submit)='submitForm(formDirective)' #formDirective="ngForm" class="is-mat-form">
<input matInput placeholder="Email ID" formControlName='login'>
<mat-error *ngIf="authForm.controls.login.hasError('required')">
Email is required
<mat-error *ngIf="authForm.controls.login.hasError('email')">
Please enter a valid email address
<input matInput type="password" formControlName='password' placeholder="Password">
<mat-error *ngIf="authForm.controls.password.hasError('required')">
Password is required
<mat-error *ngIf="authForm.controls.password.hasError('minlength')">
Password must be minimum 6 digit long.
and .ts file is
submitForm(formDirective: FormGroupDirective){
if (this.authForm.invalid) {
console.log('form submitted')
this will reset the form values only, to reset the form error we need to reset the formdirective as well.
submitForm(formDirective: FormGroupDirective){
if (this.authForm.invalid) {
console.log('form submitted')