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Not able to execute test cases via programatically suite generation

I have a Maven project for my Selenium Automation. I am programatically executing the test cases. I have built the class for creating my suite dynamically. When I run this from my Eclipse IDE it executes as expected. Now, I want to execute this code using Maven.

So first I did mvn clean install. And then when I ran the automation.jar file it started execution, but the results show that 0 tests were ran. So I checked back in the output folder, which showed the suite file was created and it was created as I intended.

I am using three plugins:

1) maven-surefire:


2) maven-compiler:


3) maven-shade: (for generating executable jars)

                    <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Also the test classes are in the same package as the class.

Code snippet for DynamicSuiteHelper class:

    TestNG dynamicTestNG = new TestNG();
    XmlSuite dynamicSuite = new XmlSuite();
    List<XmlTest> listOfTests = new ArrayList<XmlTest>();
    XmlTest dynamicTest = new XmlTest(dynamicSuite);
    List<XmlClass> listOfClasses = new ArrayList<XmlClass>();
    listOfClasses.add(new XmlClass("com.project.automation.tests.test1.Test1Class1"));
    listOfClasses.add(new XmlClass("com.project.automation.tests.test1.Test1Class2"));
    listOfClasses.add(new XmlClass("com.project.automation.tests.test2.Test2Class1"));
    listOfClasses.add(new XmlClass("com.project.automation.tests.test2.Test2Class1"));
    dynamicTest.setClasses(listOfClasses );
    List<XmlSuite> listOfSuites = new ArrayList<XmlSuite>();

Also the project structure looks like:


Any help is appreciated.


  • Found a solution and got the test cases up and running.

    Instead of maven-shade-plugin I used the maven-assembly-plugin. I added the test classes externally from plugin, and also some resources.

    What I observed was, maven-shade-plugin was not compiling my test-classes. So I tried out with maven-assembly-plugin.

    Thanks again everyone for giving your time.