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Mocha: Hide console.log output from successful tests

My Problem

I'm writing a test suite for a Node.js application using Mocha. The functions that I'm testing write their logs to console.log directly, without any third-party logging solution.

I don't care about logs from successful tests, just from failed tests, and since my functions are pretty verbose the test output is unnecessarily long.

What Have I Tried

My Question

How can I suppress console.log output from passing / successful Mocha tests?


  • You can modify the console.log function to log its argument to a variable:

    const originalLogFunction = console.log;
    let output;
    beforeEach(function(done) {
      output = '';
      console.log = (msg) => {
        output += msg + '\n';
    afterEach(function() {
      console.log = originalLogFunction; // undo dummy log function
      if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {

    You might need to modify the dummy log function in case you are supplying more than one argument or objects. This is a simplified example.